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xportability LLC



Since HTML supports arbitrary XML inside the markup, one of the easiest ways to do some simple footnotes is to simply use the regular XSL FO markup11 This is a sample footnote in the body of the document. The css shows the footnote on mouseover and the PDF will render as a footnote. Because the css is tuned for mouseover display, the HTML css for the structure is discarded but you can use <span> to style the output to PDF. for a footnote. This paragraph is an example of this technique. The XEPOnline stylesheets have implemented the footnote structure, will recognize it and transfer it to the backend. You would implement inside the html as:

    <sup>your character here for inside the HTML</sup>
            <sup>optional footnote char here for inside print footnote</sup>
            your inline HTML markup here for footnote formatting 
            in PDF. Only inline styles (b, i, span) are supported in the css
            provided for footnotes. Of course, you can implement
            your own.

This is another paragraph with different footnotes22 This is a sample footnote in the body of the document. This one has blue text. Because the css is tuned for mouseover display, the HTML css for the structure is discarded but you can use <span> to style the output to PDF. in it. This paragraph33 This is a sample footnote in the body of the document. This one has orange text which is different. is another example of this technique.