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xportability LLC



Exception: Lists in HTML (can) carry an attribute that indicates the style for the list (like decimal, upper-roman, disk, square, etc.) In HTML this style is inherited from parent lists to child lists unless the style is changed. There is no equivalent to this in XSL FO. The current implementation maps inherited styles but has some issues in assumed ones.

There are many list styles in HTML. Currently this solution supports the following:

  • Bullet Lists:
    • disk
    • square
    • circle
  • Numbered Lists:
    • decimal
    • decimal-leading-zero
    • lower-alpha
    • lower-latin
    • lower-romwn
    • upper-alpha
    • upper-latin
    • upper-romwn
  • Other:
    • none

Bullet-style Lists

Testing un-numbered lists, first a simple list

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

Another list with list-style-type setting in CSS

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

Now, nested lists

  • One
  • A list inside the other list
    • Level 2 bullet
    • A list inside the other list
      • Level 2 bullet
      • A list inside the other list
        • Level 2 bullet
        • Level 2 bullet
        • Level 2 bullet
      • Level 2 bullet
    • Level 2 bullet
  • Three

Numbered Lists

Testing the same lists as above, numbered, first a simple list

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Another set of lists with list-style-type setting in CSS

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Now, nested lists

  1. One
  2. A list inside the other list
    1. Level 2 bullet
    2. A list inside the other list
      1. Level 2 bullet
      2. A list inside the other list
        1. Level 2 bullet
        2. Level 2 bullet
        3. Level 2 bullet
      3. Level 2 bullet
    3. Level 2 bullet
  3. Three